Since the company’s founding, we have integrated ESG aspects into our operations and focused on activities that create added environmental value. We at Doral have always worked to develop solutions to the climate crisis, with an emphasis on technological innovation and renewable energy, while strengthening and developing the areas and communities in which we operate. The comprehensive analysis is in our 2021 report.

Doral for the community and the environment

Corporate responsibility

As a solar pioneer in Israel, Doral Energy Group is committed to keeping the values and resources of the environment and landscape by considering: social, flora and economic aspects in all our decision making and activities to assure environmental health for generations to come.

We at Doral believe that a successful company is a company that contributes, cares and is a partner in social action. Our positive impacts on the community stand on two pillars: socioeconomic development of the areas in which we operate and contributing to and investing in the local community, along with encouraging and supporting technological and athletic excellence.
Corporate responsibility report
We are proud to share Doral’s environment, social, and governance (ESG) report for 2022. This report represents our commitment to promoting the transition to renewable energy solutions driven by environmental innovation, which constitutes the essence of our business activity while promoting a diverse and inclusive society and ensuring responsible and ethical business conduct as part of optimal corporate governance – upholding our stakeholders and our own expectations from our conduct, alongside the reduction of our environmental impacts.
To view the salary report for 2022 click here
Previous Reports
Environmental responsibility
Doral for the environment
Doral’s core operations support the environment, and the company believes that it is its responsibility to implement environmental sustainability along the entire value chain.
The company strictly complies with environmental regulations in all countries in which it operates, and it works together with regulatory consultants and representatives to maximize environmental protection values. When constructing and operating the facilities at various sites, Doral considers the effects on local flora and fauna and creates mechanisms aimed at mitigating potentially harmful consequences. The Doral-Tech subsidiary is examining developing and investing in innovative recycling solutions for the wear and tear of solar panels, inverters and batteries.
Doral is working to develop and promote innovative technologies oriented towards environmental sustainability and implement them in projects it is establishing through its subsidiaries Doral Environmental Infrastructures and Doral-Tech. These applications are environmentally friendly and have an impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, streamlining water usage and reducing pollution caused by waste and wastewater. An example of this is the biogas systems, which provide a comprehensive end solution for agricultural waste, animal excrement and organic waste as an alternative to transporting and burying the waste in landfills that are spread over large areas and create various environmental hazards.

Clean energy
We have produced about 565 GWh of green energy so far

Reducing carbon emissions
We have saved about 222,000 tons of carbon dioxide

Green lungs
The equivalent to planting 6.6 million trees
Social responsibility
Doral for the community
Our positive impacts on the community stand on the pillars of socioeconomic development in the areas in which we operate and contributing to and investing in local communities. Doral sees itself as part of the community, and it is bound to produce economic and social value for it and prevent negative effects. The company maintains an ongoing dialogue with its partners in the community about developing energy infrastructures and their broader impact.
Doral believes in initiative and leadership and has chosen to focus on promoting and fostering excellence in the young generation in the fields of education, society and sports in the areas in which it operates.